
To achieve the requirements of our clients at a higher level of enjoyment and quality of the built form, our design department remains cloud based and utilizes the very best that our company can provide, as a whole. The design process begins with an informal collection of precedent ideas, spatial and aesthetical requirements and an available budget from a client. Post to a site visit (or a comprehensive series of photos for the online design service) the concept is adapted to the realistic capacity of the site area and its surrounding micro-climate in terms of sunlight, wind, soils, surrounding vegetation, buildings and open spaces.



A refined, client approved concept is developed into a project proposal through The EcoPools Network. The analysis in terms of biological design takes into account any materials below the waterline; the quality of fill-water; how it will react with the material selections of the client and; the efficiency required moving through the ecological zone to keep it filtered with a crystal clear, living quality. Simultaneously any above water and secondary design elements to the project are designed, planned and have their materials and finishes specified according to the available budget, whereupon the project is prepared for construction.